Help with one of my alters

Started by sigiriuk, May 06, 2017, 11:35:36 AM

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Hi Group
I have become aware of a new part of me, and need some help because i don't know what I am supposed to do.

It's a he/she person who says he's in muscle pain all over, feels constantly weary, wants all the attention, telling me to forget about my problems and focus on him, because his needs are more important.

He/she gets angry if he doesn't get all the attention, and gets annoyed if I marshall him to help me with my real-life problems. He says he's too tired to help me.

In other words "Help me, don't help yourself".

He/she frightens me, cos it feels like a threat to me, constantly telling me not to look after myself.

I don't know what to do next and feel ineffective.

Best Wishes


Hi slim. Have you tried asking he/she? I wonder how  old they are? Where it hurts? Do they know why it hurts? How were they hurt? What do they want you to do for them? Do they mean to threaten you / make you feel threatened? Or are they just desperate for you to notice them? Have you paid much attention to your own 'pain' before?  Good luck. I hope you can understand this part better soon .


Thanks for those questions, someonesomewhereelse.
I'd never thought about the alter like that; to be honest I was just panicking about it.
I'll explore these avenues.


talking to them can be really illuminating. They might not talk back at first. if you feel daft doing it, just  keep going!


Even if they don't talk back right away, they might shake or nod their heads to yes/no questions. Or maybe you'll get a quick image or feel memory of a child and can judge what age you're dealing with.

I like vanilla

I agree with the others. I have found that talking to my inner beings has been much more productive than trying to fight them or shut them down.